

词汇 Abbreviations and Other Text Conventions

Abbreviations and Other Text Conventions

To save space the following abbreviations have been used to show the periods in which words are used.

OE stands for Old English, used up to c.1149

ME stands for Middle English, used c.1150–c.1350

LME stands for Late Middle English, used c.1350–1500

Thereafter, date ranges are given by century, preceded by one of the following:

E stands for Early (up to the 29th year)

M stands for Middle (30th–69th year)

L stands for Late (70th–99th year)

Therefore, a word labelled [E17th] would have come into use between 1600 and 1629; one labelled [M18th] between 1730 and 1769; and one labelled [L19th] between 1870 and 1899.

A term preceded by an asterisk (*) is a cross-reference to an entry headword elsewhere in the dictionary. Cross-references can also be indicated by the italic words see, see also, or compare, followed by the relevant headword(s) in small caps.

Many terms are discussed within entries with a different, but related, headword. In most cases these subsidiary terms are listed at the appropriate alphabetical point in the dictionary with a simple cross-reference to the relevant entry. For example, the headword ‘abandon’ is followed by a cross-reference to the entry ‘ban’, where the former term is discussed.

In a few cases, a term cross-referenced to a full entry would alphabetically appear next to the entry in which it is discussed. For reasons of space such cross-references have generally been omitted, so if you cannot find an entry for a specific term at the correct alphabetical point, please check neighbouring entries in case it is discussed there.





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